On 6th December 2016, in Brussels, PODEM convened a roundtable meeting on “Youth Mobilization in Turkey and Europe” in partnership with Berghof Foundation.
At the meeting, findings of field research conducted with a total of 160 young people from different communities in Istanbul and Diyarbakır were presented from a comparative perspective. Following the first session, findings of a field research, conducted with a total of nearly 350 young people with Turkish backgrounds, from six European countries with strong Turkish diasporic presence, were also presented. The meeting was attended by representatives focusing on Turkey from the European Parliament and European Commission.
The report presented in the first session, “The Modes of Politicisation in Turkey: A Cross-Communal Evaluation,” authored by Etyen Mahçupyan, will be made publicly available in Turkish and English soon.
The report presented in the second session, “Turkish Diasporic Youth in Europe: Identity, Sense of Belonging, Social Life, Politics” will be made publicly available in Turkish soon.